Sunday, June 19, 2005

Growing into Fifty

Musings on turning 50.
I'll be posting more about this on the website within the next week or so...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Successful Aging ~ A guide for OlderWiserWomen

How about an OlderWiserWomen Guide?

-->How would you feel about your age if you knew you could have the aging experience you desire?

-->Do you find yourself confused about the right things to do with all the information floating around out there?

-->Would you like access to easy to implement tips that can lead you to a healthier body, a more active, vibrant mind and a content peaceful being?

-->Just what does attitude have to do with Successful Aging?

-->Did anyone ever tell you that menopause is good?

-->Where can you find this type of easy to digest information with actual action steps for you to take?

Tips for Successful Aging and Vibrant Living, an OlderWiserWomen Guide.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


In tomorrows issue of Celebrations, the official newsletter for OlderWiserWomen, we will be announcing the release of our latest ebook - Tips for Successful Aging and Vibrant Living.

Watch for it!